The Sparrow and the Frog King: A Tale of Wisdom and Kindness

Once upon a time, in the land of Brunei Darussalam renowned for its natural beauty, there lived a proud and arrogant frog king.

He ruled a small kingdom on the edge of a dense forest.

It was said that he gained his power from a magical stone hidden deep within a cave in the forest.

This frog king cared nothing for his subjects.

He was only interested in himself and craved constant praise.

One day, a small but clever sparrow came to the frog king’s kingdom.

This sparrow was known for its wisdom and always helped the oppressed people.

The lush forest where the Frog King and the Sparrow lived was filled with towering trees reaching high into the sky.

Sunlight filtered through the vibrant green leaves, creating dancing shadows on the grassy ground.

The air was filled with the fresh scent of flowers and damp leaves, intoxicating the senses with the fragrance of nature.

The Frog King: “Be silent, little bird! Who are you to dare advise me?” His loud voice echoed through the forest, breaking the natural tranquility.

The Sparrow: Calmly, its wings fluttering in the air, “I only wish to remind Your Majesty to remain humble. Arrogance can lead to downfall.” Its gentle voice floated among the sunlight filtering through the lush leaves.

The Frog King: Enraged, his eyes flashing, “You are just a small bird, what do you know of power and greatness?” His voice boomed through the trees, reflecting his unwavering stance.

The Sparrow: Steadfastly, “I may be small, but I have seen much. Power without humility will only trigger destruction.” The sparrow’s voice sounded like a soft melody weaving through the leaves.

The Frog King: Scoffing, “Ah, you merely prattle! I am a strong and unshakable king.” The frog king’s large shadow created a rumbling movement on the ground.

The Sparrow: Raising one wing, gesturing with wisdom, “Perhaps that is true now, but remember, life does not always go according to your desires.” Its wing lifted towards the sky, casting a shadow in the sunlight.

The Frog King: “Leave my sight, little bird! I do not need advice from a creature as small as you.” His voice trembled among the leaves, creating unease in the air.

The Sparrow: With a gentle smile, “A hardened heart will crumble when trials come, Your Majesty.” The sparrow’s voice was like a cool breeze sweeping through the trees.

A few days later, the Frog King fell into a well.

The Frog King: Panicked, his voice muffled, “Help me! I am trapped in this well!” His voice sounded shaky, creating waves of anxiety in the air.

The Sparrow: Hearing the frog king’s cries, its wings cutting through the air, “Ah, how great you were when you were at the top, but now, who do you rely on?” Its voice was clear amidst the quiet rumble of water.

The Frog King: “Please, whoever can help me, I will give a great reward!” The frog king’s wails created vibrations in the air, searching for help.

The Sparrow: Hovering down to the edge of the well, its eyes shining, “I can help you, but on one condition.” Its voice was like a ray of light penetrating the cracks of the well.

The Frog King: “Anything you want! Just help me out of here!” His voice echoed between the well walls, creating vibrations that sought assistance.

The Sparrow: Firmly, yet compassionately, “Promise that you will become a wise and just king, and always help your people.” The sparrow’s voice created an aura of justice that floated in the air.

The Frog King: “I promise! Just help me out of here!” His voice broke the silence of the well, creating a tone of regret.

The Sparrow went to ask for help from the people in the nearby village.

Some time later, the Frog King was successfully pulled out of the well.

The Frog King: “Thank you, friend! I will keep my promise.” His voice was like a relieved rumble, dispelling the darkness that enveloped his heart.

The Sparrow: With a warm smile, “Now you have learned that true power comes from a sincere and humble heart.” Its voice was gentle but full of meaning, creating harmony in the air.

From that day on, the Frog King became a just and wise king, always helping his people, and he and the Sparrow became good friends.

Moral Message:

Wisdom and kindness will always triumph over power and arrogance.

A good leader should always be humble and mindful of their people.

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